Leslie Fox (Greenwood Village, Colorado)
& Stanley Levin (Baltimore, Maryland)

Success Story

After much prodding from my friends, I decided to sign up for Saw You at Sinai. I signed up and posted my profile at 8pm on Wednesday January 12th. By 10:30 the next morning I received an email that Goldie Frohlinger had agreed to be my shadchanit. I later received an email that Kim Solomon agreed to also be my shadchanit. Goldie got right to work and a few minutes after she accepted me, she sent me my first match and encouraged me to accept. She said “what do you have to lose, it is just a phone call”. She seemed to know just what to tell each of us to interest us in each other. I accepted the match on Thursday night and was told I would hear from who I was matched with within 3 days. That Motzei Shabbos, I received the first phone call and we spoke for several hours. We could both tell from the first phone call it was a special connection. I received 4 matches total from the matchmakers, two of whom I was not interested and two I was. But timing is also beshert, and the first match was the one that turned out to be the one. Goldie was instrumental in her advice along the way, smoothing out any hesitation or questions. She is very invested and kept checking in on us to see how we were doing. She had a sense about the emes of who each of us is in order to make the match. Due to the long distance, he in Baltimore and me in Denver, we skyped and had skype dates which made such a difference in getting to know each other. Despite the long distance, we managed to meet the following month in Denver and later in Baltimore. We were engaged in April and IY”H hope to be married in June. I want to thank Goldie, Kim and the SYAS staff for for being the conduit for HKB”H for the gift in making this miraculous change in our lives, BH

Contact us

JLosAngeles is a Jewish dating service that combines the personal touch of a matchmaker with unique matching technology. The service benefits Jewish singles of all ages, religious levels & locations to meet their match

212-866-0546 [email protected]

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